

The capital of Olivae Kingdom, it is where the castle is located. Most of the population lives here trying to sell merchandise, get an audience, or etc.

It's Elementary [Sherlock] by Dr. Connor Watson Mar 2, 2014 0:20:20 GMT -6

Twaina Town

A very poor small town that grows grapes and creates the famous wine of the Olivae Kingdom. It is said witches live here and help the famous win grow healthy, even during the droughts the kingdom will on occasion have.

Desert Providence

If there is anywhere thieves love to hide it is out in the Desert providence, where there is no life for miles. The desert providence has several arabs, slaves, black markets, and more. It is the most hottest and driest place in this world.

An old forgotten temple[andrew] by Natu Feb 21, 2014 19:55:02 GMT -6

Olivae Kingdom

T. Entrees and Rounds
  Thread Announcement Authored by Ginger || Replied by Ginger On Feb 14, 2014 21:23:56 GMT -6
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Valentine Tournament of Love and Slaughter
  Thread Announcement Authored by Ginger || Replied by Ginger On Jan 27, 2014 15:22:58 GMT -6
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