Main story and idea were created by well.. The Members. Why not you join an add to it?
We do not own anything except Character/Kingdom/Event ideas and designs.
The site current default skin colors were designed by Spade. Plugs and Codes used were taken by two resource sites such as: Gagnam-Style and Proboards Support. Images were taken from several sites such as Google Search, screenshot directly from the anime, Zerochan, and with permission from the DA artist; DA.
LightTogekiss has been chosen by both of the admins to be the newest staff member. He has stuck with us since the very beginning, stays online all the time, posts in just about every chance he can get, handles handheld device posting, willing to make crazy arguments that are just down right crazy, and much more. He advertises every chance he get, even writes the paragraphs down for the advertisements, showing his dedication to the site. We, the staff, accept Light into the staff team for his hard work and dedication to this site.
LightTogekiss as a new staff you are required to make an OOC account, this is required for all staff. All the staff power will be on the OOC account.